Rhythm in Waldorf Education 

Rhythm in Waldorf Education 


Rhythm is the system of the day stemming from basic daily needs, such as the wake-up time; What do we do in it?  What happens at mealtime?

The daily rhythm creates a general frame of the day that helps the child feel safe and bound. It also helps greatly in reducing the daily conflicts between the mother and her children or the teacher and her students. The rhythm makes the day flow smoothly, and it is the frame that surrounds the child, making him feel safe inside; Since boundaries are the main source of both security and freedom.

* What is the difference between routine and rhythm?

(Routine) is time-bound steps that we request to implement with commitment without reference to the spirit and meaning of these steps.

 Example: getting up from 9:00 Am to 9:30 AM.

 Breakfast from 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM.

 Free Play from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM and so on.

On the other hand, (Rhythm) is more like a tone, specific but in harmony, done in steps but stemming from need, and if the mother feels that one step is not needed, then it’s unnecessary. Moreover, the transition between steps in Rhythm is not related to dates as to the mother’s reaction to the situation and the time of completing the activity.


Morning: Circle-time, morning songs, then breakfast

Afternoon: Free play

Evening: Fixed basic activity then lunch, and so on.

In (Routine) free playtime ends at 11 o’clock. At that time the mother insists to finish on schedule even if the child is in the middle of a game!

Alternatively, in (Rhythm), the afternoon playing time begins with the will of the children and ends when they gradually finish their free play, with a little leadership and guidance from the mother.

This system depends on the awareness of the mother or the teacher and their interaction with things, which is the true role of them; That is represented in reception, observation, and preparation, not education and indoctrination in the early years.

The daily rhythm is like a safe embrace, children feel that they are surrounded by full care, the body and the soul feel that they are in wise attention, through warm food provided in a constant rhythm, bedtime, comfort that permeate playing times and activity. 

Furthermore, the weekly rhythm is a fixed day for baking, a day for going out or playing in the garden, a day for the family, and so on. During the week our daily rhythm is ongoing and it surrounds us with love. 

One of the most important pillars of building a supportive environment for the children’s healthy growth is to provide this rhythm and assure their right to feel safe.

If you do not apply any daily or weekly rhythm, start with the rhythm of waking up and sleeping… Combine the morning time with some morning songs, entering the bathroom, then prepare breakfast together, and try to precede the bedtime with a story, a song, some verses of Quran, praying, and always continue with this simple framework.

Share with us some examples of your daily or weekly rhythms in the comments.


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