The child’s surrounding environment 

The child’s surrounding environment 

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The teacher’s role in the early years of the child’s life is to create a surrounding environment that is calm and supportive for his physical, mental, and spiritual development. Waldorf learning environments in kindergartens and homes range from two environments: * The First (Indoor environment): It is important for the child’s calm, comfort, and…

Stories and the vastness of imagination

Stories and the vastness of imagination

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The story in Waldorf philosophy has a distinctive and warm nature, and the storytelling section is one of the main programs in the Waldorf kindergarten. Philosophy avoids reading to children in the first years of their life and depends on storytelling. It is called “heart-to-heart storytelling,” where the teacher or mother memorizes the story…

Childhood from birth to seven years

Childhood from birth to seven years

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The preschool or early childhood stage in Waldorf philosophy starts from the birth of the child to the age of seven. This division is based on the individuality of the child. Some children move to the next stage before or after 7 years. In the early years, Steiner describes a child as a sensitive…

Childhood in Waldorf Philosophy

Childhood in Waldorf Philosophy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Waldorf Philosophy is one of the distinguished philosophies that thoroughly explained childhood with great proximity to instinct. It was established by Steiner, a philosopher with many writings who studied man at all stages and aspects of his life. He had a sensitive, profound, and warm vision of the human being. He laid down the…

surround environment of our kid

البيئة المحيطة بالطفل

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] دور المعلم في السنين الأولى من عمر الطفل هو تهيئة بيئة محيطة به، تكون هادئة وداعمة لنموه الجسدي والعقلي والروحي. تتمتع بيئات تعلم والدورف في الروضات وحتى المنازل بالتراوح بين بيئتين: * الأولى (بيئة داخلية): وهي مهمة لهدوء الطفل وراحته وإحساسه بالأمان والإحاطة؛ تمتلئ هذة البيئة -سواء كانت المنزل أو قاعة الروضة- بالدفء والبساطة،…

interacting with nature

التفاعُل مع الطبيعة

“خَلَق الله، وما أغنى خلْق الله بالعبر!” الطبيعة مصدر هائل للعب والتعلم، وفي السنين الأولى من عمر الطفل يكون مشغولاً ببناء جسمه، فيكون تطوره الجسدي والحركي كبيراً، مقارنةً بمعدل نموه الجسدي خلال باقي سنوات عمره. الحركة وتنمية المهارات الحركية والتوازن هما الطريق لنمو جسدي سليم، وبالتالي نمو عقلي وروحي سليم. هذه الحركة يجب أن تكون…